Harmonic Egg® Doctor Recommended
Dr. Dana Anglud
Osteopathic Physician
The way I explain it to my patients is that the first time I sat in there, as soon as the music started, I was immediately blasted into the stratosphere. I mean, it's just you feel like you're floating, and your consciousness is expanded, and yet there's no anxiety or worry, like all that stuff just kind of melts away... it seems like there's an expansion, and it's comfortable, and peaceful, and yet very expansive. My patients are having positive experiences with the Egg. They frequently report feeling relaxed and energized while in it, and often feel immediate relief from pain and other chronic issues, both during their time in the Egg as well as over a period of time afterwards. I had one patient who was struggling with chronic Lyme and co-infections, and was seriously considering reducing everything in her life, including her career and the amount of movement she did. I recommended the Harmonic Egg as part of an integrative treatment protocol. When I saw her recently for an unrelated issue, she told me that she's starting a new career and a new exercise program. 'Now, I'm not just surviving. I'm actually thriving, and growing, and changing, and adding things to my life, she declared. Which was a near miraculous turnaround for someone who was chronically sick and whose life was falling apart. That was probably the most dramatic change l've seen. Based on my own personal experience, as well as the experiences of my patients, I believe the Egg has a beneficial effect on the whole person, positively affecting all aspects of the body and the mind. I work on the five energy bodies, so I look at the physical, the energetic, the mental, the intuitive, and the spirit bodies. The Harmonic Egg does all of that without thinking. It impacts the entire being, and it does it in such a way that is gentle and has limited, if not zero, side effects. And as a physician, as a healer, and as a human, that's what l'm looking for.
Dr.Yeonsoha Yu
Doctor of Oriental Medicine
As a competitive endurance athlete, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, and co-owner of a successful healing center for the past 10 years, I continually search for holistic forms of medicine that safely supports myself and our client's systems to function optimally. The Harmonic Egg offers a powerful customized combination of vibration, light therapy, and sound therapy that gently activates the body's energy systems to improve circulation and promote regulation of stress hormones on a cellular level. It has become a regular part of my weekly maintenance plan because I have not only experienced improved performance and recovery time, but my overall immune function, energy, and quality of sleep are better too! I highly encourage taking time to invest in your health and experience the healing benefits of the Harmonic Egg for yourself. In a stressful world where our nervous system is on overload, give yourself the gift to go "in utero" with the Harmonic Egg. It's time to fully relax, quiet the mind, and reset your sympathetic nervous system. Your body and spirit will thank you.
Dr. Terry Grossman
General Family Medicine
I cannot believe it but I awoke this morning completely free of back pain for the first time in three months after my first treatment yesterday. I have had episodic low back pain for eight years due to a bulging disc and most recently have had pain that has lasted continuously for 12 weeks, the longest bout ever. I have tried Western medicine (anti-inflammatories, muscles relaxants), Eastern medicine (acupuncture, cupping, moxa), alternative hands on-therapies (chiropractic, Feldenkais, cranio-sacral, Reiki), yet none has brought more than temporary relief. Mornings are the worst and each day I awaken very stiff and sore, which gradually lessens but never completely resolves.This morning there is no pain whatsoever. I have forgotten what it is like to be free of pain.
Dr. Denise Clark
Naturopathic Doctor
After my treatments I noticed immediately that I had a lot more energy and stamina. I am an avid runner, cyclist, hiker, skier, etc. I pretty much love to do anything physical that can be done outdoors. Prior to the treatments I had always struggled with getting out of bed in the morning due to lingering fatigue. Thanks to The Egg have become a morning person, which has been a life long dream of mine. I can’t say enough about how this has changed my life for the better.The Egg would be an ideal tool for any athlete wanting to increase performance and stamina, as well as help with recovery. After reading many ANSAR reports before and after treatments, it is evident that this improves the function of the autonomic nervous system, which helps the body heal and recover from stress much quicker and more easily.
Dr. Raphael d'Angelo
Holistic Medical Doctor
Patients of mine have been using sound and light healing since 2005. The technology is based upon energetic frequencies of light, sound and vibration that result in a major resetting of the autonomic nervous system. Any person who has the desire for better health or who has been told there is nothing more that can be done must strongly consider this. going to Life Center. This is the future of medicine right here, right now.
Dr. Wanda J. Beninghaus
Functional Medicine
As a medical doctor, I highly recommend this form of natural healing for anyone who wants to have more energy and zest for life. Also, anyone with any chronic condition can experience positive benefits from this safe and effective form of energy healing. Energy healing is the medicine of our time.

Stress & Anxiety
Gina S.
For someone who has dealt with anxiety for years, I was blown away by the way the harmonic egg was able to help quiet my mind and feel more centered in just a few sessions. I have yet to find anything that has helped me as much as the harmonic egg and I highly recommend giving it a try.
V. H.
The Egg really is leaps and bounds beyond anything I experienced before.When my session starts it is amazing how I always feel something targeting whatever area is hurting me at has been giving me the most problems. It doesn’t hurt, just a feeling something is happening. It eventually works around my body touching and going through to any place that’s been injured or needs healing. I’ve felt totally tranquil throughout a session or cried when I had something to resolve and let go of. There is usually a point that I will fall asleep…usually to wake myself snoring. I always come out of the Egg feeling totally relaxed and stress free.
Eric P.
My first time experiencing the Harmonic Egg was incredible and I have never felt so relaxed and at ease! We aimed to work on my nervous system using the perfect music and light. After my session, I feel more connected to everything around me. I coasted through the rest of my day with amazing ease and calmness. I felt light-hearted and very happy. I would highly recommend the Harmonic Egg to anyone who often finds themselves under stress. I very much look forward to going back for another visit (which is in two weeks)!
Raegena S.
My husband was nice enough to gift me this after our baby was born. I was not sleeping well and had all the new mom baby blues and anxiety. Overall was stressed and worn out. I was skeptical at first as I am not an easy person to relax but holy moly, I have never been more relaxed in my life! I came out feeling rejuvenated and mentally refreshed to take on first time mom challenges. I have been meaning to get back in for another session. I felt like the results from one were long lasting which was nice to get me through maternity leave.
James M.
The harmonic egg helps to relieve my anxiety and has improved the quality of my sleep.
Julie H.
The Harmonic Egg experience is like nothing I've ever experienced. You sit in an anti-gravity chair with plenty of space between you and the "Egg". The music begins, and you can feel yourself calming and being fully present in the moment--it's like the rest of the world stops. The result for me was a very clear mind, reduced anxiety and a sense of rejuvenation. For those enjoying the relaxation of a massage, this far exceeds that by 1,000%!! This is a beautiful experience for the mind, body and soul--one I'll repeat on a regular basis. Do yourself a favor--give yourself and loved ones the gift of an appointment in the Harmonic Egg
Stephen W.
The Harmonic Egg. Sounds weird except that it's awesome! It's great for relaxing, relieving stress, and even improving my sleep. I wasn't sure about "light therapy" but it's very effective, and you have to try it.
Diana M.
I am part of my city's Chamber of Commerce and I had won 2 tickets for a Harmonic Egg session. I was able to take my hubby with me (we both have higher stress jobs) and from the moment of stepping into the office, we both felt very relaxed! The whole experience was definitely something I can't explain and you would totally have to experience this yourself! I speak for both my husband and I in this case, because we both felt a weight being lifted off of us since we left! It's literally this big egg you go into, they pick the colors that go best with you based off your assessment and add some music and you sit, close your eyes and relax! The vibrations in that egg, plus the music, plus those colors, were so amazing and made such a difference for the rest of our day! I loved every second of it and I definitely recommend you do at least one session! A++++
Kristyn M.
My experience with the harmonic egg was so wonderful. I went into the treatment with a completely open mind and no expectations. I was just curious and I am always looking to try new healing modalities. The actual session was very relaxing. The music and vibrations were so soothing I almost feel asleep. I followed aftercare instructions and drank a ton of water over the next week. On day 6 after the treatment, the results started to settle in and it was amazing. I felt so calm, centered, and grounded. I was able to stay more focused and present through out my days. My daily anxiety and stress was greatly reduced.. Before my egg treatment I was experiencing headaches on a weekly basis that would sometimes last days and after I have hardly had any headaches at all and the few I have had were less intense and did not last more than a day. I also had less pain in my body, my job is very physical so aches and pains in my back and hands are common but after the egg my body felt great for weeks. I loved the results so much I decided to do a series to really experience all that this treatment can offer.
Michelle B.
I enjoyed my experience with the Harmonic Egg. It is an energy healing experience which is something I may not have considered. I spent the first few minutes looking around, wondering how it worked, and being curious about the science behind it. I left feeling completely relaxed and de-stressed, with no intruding thoughts. I ultimately fell asleep similar to “shavasana” in yoga. I would recommend this especially if you have difficulty with meditation on your own, a desire to clear your head consistently, or even try something new when experiencing difficulties in life.
Jemma J.
I’ve gone in the Egg filled to the brim with stress and anxiety and left feeling on cloud nine. A truly transformative experience and sacred space. Just incredible!
Angela A.
I was blessed to be able to visit and experience the Harmonic Egg and it was amazing! Once inside the Harmonic Egg, I literally felt my stress start to dissipate and I had a beautiful and magical journey. As a result of my experience, I was able to heal some emotional trauma and feel like a weight has been lifted from me. I cannot wait for my next visit and I plan on making regular visits as part of my self-care and healing practices. Thank you for bringing the Harmonic Egg to our community!
Melissa B.
I have done 3 egg sessions so far and it's made a huge difference to my health and well being. I was going through a stressful time in my life and there was a noticeable rebalancing and calming impact the egg had on my nervous system. It also put me in a state where I was better able to deal with my situation with clarity, insight, and responsibility.
April T.
After dealing with extreme anxiety and panic attacks for months, I was finally able to get to the source and release some of the traumas I had been holding for years. The facilitator was so welcoming and kind from the moment I walked in. The coaching followed by a session in the Egg exceeded my expectations. I am looking forward to returning in a couple of weeks for a tune up so I can continue to tune into my highest self.
Krista D.
This was a great experience! The chair in the pod is very comfortable and a nice blanket is provided. I found the music very relaxing and in about 15-minutes, I felt my stresses slipping away and feeling very relaxed.. I would describe it as feeling like I got a massage for my mind. Mahalo for the great experience. I can’t wait to return. I highly recommend trying this out for aches, pains, and stress.
Jane D.
I've had 4 or 5 sessions and have found that light and sound therapy is a healing modality for myself. I'm a caregiver, so this has been helpful with reducing stress while doing something for myself.
Sang N.
The Harmonic Egg is definitely something everyone should give a try. It seems a bit overwhelming going through the process and actually being in the egg, but after she helped set the vibe and helped me get situated in the anti-gravity chair, the music started to play, and a calming sensation enveloped my mind and body. I drifted off for what felt like a few hours. Afterwards, everything disappeared- no stress nor worry entered my mind. It was the most relaxing feeling I’ve ever felt and experienced. Nothing but positive vibes from this session.
Jennifer P.
I was feeling pretty stressed out before my harmonic egg sessions. I was feeling anxious for various reasons because I really wanted to enjoy my summer. So I signed up for 3 sessions. I was really curious about the harmonic egg and what it might be like. I had heard so much about the harmonic egg and it’s ability to help the body’s natural healing abilities. I was so happy to have a chance to reset my autonomic nervous system. When I was inside the harmonic egg, I felt like a mystical experience, I saw energy and time and space were not a thing. It’s difficult to describe with words because while you are inside you are in a state of wordlessness. There was nothing to worry about. It was the most pleasurable experience to just relax and let go of everything. After my sessions were complete, my intuition has sharpened and my body feels less achy. Do not hesitate to make your appointment. It’s more relaxing than a massage and the benefits are unmatched! I love that it is touchless and the zero gravity chair is wonderful. I can’t wait to go back to the harmonic egg!

Pain & Inflammation
Nichole F.
I cannot begin to share how wonderful this experience has been for me and my family! Not knowing exactly what to expect, I was absolutely floored by the amazing experience I had. It was the most relaxing experience I've ever had with the most long lasting effects, including massage therapy and hypnosis. The relaxation I felt within even the first 5 minutes of the session were incomparable to anything else I've ever experienced and that continued for at least the next 24 hours at the same level. From there what has been most noticeable is the incredible sleep I am getting each and every night. The aches and pains that I believed were just a part of being 40+ years old have completely dissipated and even if I am awoken in the night falling back to sleep is no trouble. When faced with high stress situations at work or at home, I am no longer finding myself struggling with maintaining control and I am able to address the situation with little to no movement in my overall mood. My son (12) also suffers from anxiety and worry and emerged from his session with an entirely new outlook on navigating those obstacles in his life. He continues to speak each morning about how he feels prepared and ready to face his day, and for that alone, I am extremely grateful. I'm also amazed at the endless ways with which the sessions can be uniquely created for each individual. I will continue to use this amazing technology to help my family reach a higher level of health, both physically and psychologically and I would strongly suggest you give it a try as well. You will not be disappointed!
Sophia S.
I have been battling with muscle tension. I have been overwhelmed with work lately and wanted to try something new to help with muscle tension and getting a massage just wasn't cutting it. So I looked online to see other methods to take care of aches. I found this unique system called the harmonic egg. I called and booked an appointment. I was a little nervous while sitting in the chair. Within 5 - 10 minutes while I was seated I was instantly relaxed. During my time in the egg, I could feel myself going through meditation. Also felt an energy of waves on my muscles. After 40-50 minutes the session ended. I felt refreshed I was a little drowsy from the deep sleep. I have experienced a wide range of healing and rebalancing but the harmonic egg was one of the most incredible experiences! I will be returning again and for my aches.
Amanda M.
I loved my experience! After one session I felt better than I had in months! I was sleeping better and some unexplained pains were gone. I have tried many healing modalities over the years and none have given me the results this quickly that the Egg did. I cannot recommend it enough to everyone!
Bill L.
I believe my healing was accelerated from doing sessions in the Harmonic Egg. I am 65 years old with a pacemaker and on many prescription drugs. Six days after knee replacement surgery I had no appetite and was still feeling under anesthesia. I went in for a Harmonic Egg session and a few hours later had an appetite for the first time since surgery. Lots of inflammation was reduced too. I did one session a week after that until week 6 after the surgery. I got off the pain meds in just 3 weeks (doctors expected 6-8 weeks). I was able to stop using the walker and cane after 3.5 weeks. I did my PT and was at 101 degrees of bend, which seemed to surprise the doctor after just 6 weeks.
Marcia S.
Since I was about 5 years old, I have worn a pair of glasses called pain. That is how I describe my childhood. Never removed or any relief. Since my visit to the Harmonic Egg, I have come to realize the glasses are gone. After returning home, I had more strength, and something was different. Colors were brighter, I appreciated my surroundings more. The realization was gradual, gentle, until last night when I realized the glasses were gone for the first time in 72 years!
Steven C.
What an amazing experience! My first session was booked for me as a gift and I had zero knowledge of the egg and what it can do. I can safely say it was one of the best experiences in my life. I had a big emotional release as part of my session and later realized my lower back pain I had suffered with for weeks totally cleared. I believe this was mostly likely stress/anxiety manifesting as lower back pain! Amazing!
Kim K.
I used to have a fairly consistent 17-22 mile/week running routine. About 6 years ago, my health took a turn for the worse and running became a struggle. Around this time, I started having issues with my right ankle. I did all the standard stuff, physical therapy, casts, boots, orthotics, etc. The pain would go away for a short time only to reappear in a different area in the ankle. So, I stopped running all together. The day before my Harmonic Egg session I went out for a 3-mile walk and limped the whole last mile home. When I was in the Harmonic Egg, my right foot was ‘manipulated’ at least twice. It felt like a chiropractic type of movement – the foot was manipulated in a circular movement. Yesterday I ran about a mile with absolutely no pain. The ankle feels 100% today! Woot Woot!! I’m so excited to be able to get back into running again!
Conne N.
I always come out of the Egg feeling totally relaxed and stress free. When my session starts it is amazing how I always feel something targeting whatever area is hurting me at has been giving me the most problems. It doesn’t hurt, just a feeling something is happening. It eventually works around my body touching and going through to any place that’s been injured or needs healing.
Kelly M.
There aren't really any words to describe the immense positive impact the sessions have had on my mental and physical health. One of my knees has years of scar tissue built up after 5 surgeries and, as of last year, I was going to schedule knee replacement. As of now, there is no need as my osteoarthritis pain is almost gone. If there was any doubt from skeptical friends, it was erased by my last session. Scar tissue in my knee - after 25 years - actually broke up and released. This has never happened no matter what kind of physical therapy or rehab I've gotten. Never. It is unbelievable! I can't recommend this service highly enough. Life changing. No joke.
Anne M.
I had the most amazing and exhilarating experience with the Harmonic Egg! The interview process and personal attention prior to entering the egg ensured the experience was impactful to my personal needs. For this session I concentrated on a physical pain issue with my right leg and through a question and answer session, some solar plexus strengthening. Inside the egg I experienced a blissful journey that transformed my mind body and soul. I left feeling light, altered and without any pain in my leg. This was 2 weeks ago and I have not had any pain in my leg. I highly recommend sessions in the Harmonic Egg!
Barb B.
Today I had my first session in the Harmonic Egg and am in a state of relaxation bordering on bliss! I went in not really knowing what would happen. Having achy hands and feet (arthritis) I felt the aches melt away as I lay back in the recliner surrounded by light, sound and vibration. The frequencies held me in a cosmic hug and it put me in a dream state.
Debbie B.
This was my first time trying the Harmonic Egg. The experience itself is very relaxing and energizing at the same time. Helped clear muscle aches and pains in subsequent days afterwards. Will be doing this again.
Madison R.
My experience in the Egg... oh! It was so peaceful, the sounds that played were so profoundly beautiful and relaxing. My body and mind felt so free to unravel and relax. I felt so much less inflamed after my experience with the egg, and mentally, I felt truly happy after my session. I am so grateful for my time there. I will most definitely be returning.
Leo G.
I didn't know what to expect from this new technology and after my first session I felt very relaxed. Normally I have knee pain due to years of playing soccer and knee surgery but the Harmonic Egg sessions have helped me a lot with the pain and daily stress. I highly recommend trying this technology to improve your overall health and wellness.
Buttercup C.
I haven't felt this great in 3 yrs. My back pain is almost non existent and manageable. I love the egg and some of the supplements I've tried so far. The Egg is a full body adventure worth the money. My energy is improving the more I do it and even my will to eat better is improving. Definitely a full body improvement. WORTH IT!
Luis A. B.
I really recommend giving The Harmonic Egg a try! I went through knee surgery because I tore my ACL and lateral meniscus I was going through physical therapy and had a bad start in my rehabilitation then I went to one of my doctor's appointment and was toldI I had excessive scar tissue and I was going to get put back under if I didn’t have any improvement in my range of motion. So I decided to give The Harmonic Egg a try and decided to go into it with a positive and healing energy and see what would happen. So I went through 4 sessions within a 3 week time span and after the first 2 sessions I started to feel improvement. After those three weeks I had my follow up doctor's visit and I had gone from 40 degrees in my first visit to about 85-90 degrees. The doctor saw big improvement and decided that the second surgery was not needed. Of course also thanks to my physical therapist; going to both my physical therapy and the harmonic egg helped me get out of a second surgery which was a big relief to me because having to go through and paying for 2 back to back surgeries is not in anyone’s ideal plans. But yes it’s a great experience and will definitely recommend to anyone who needs any type of healing you can definitely feel like something good is going on within you after stepping out of the egg.
Stacie S.
My first experience in the egg was just much needed relaxing time for me! Second visit was helpful for my grieving process as I asked for signs from a loved one and a few days later got exactly that! Third time I felt the inflammation being worked on in my arms & wrists. I had been painting a room the days prior and my wrists and arms had been overworked! Amazing how the frequency of the music works! I have been 8 or 9 times total now. I know that I need my time every couple of weeks, why not let the egg work it's magic while I relax?!! I highly recommend this!
Niki S.
Just what I needed! A friend recommended The Harmonic Egg as a way to get some relief from my ongoing back pain and stress. I had no idea what I was up for but was pleasantly surprised. The comfy zero gravity chair and the light and sound inside the egg worked to relax me and I actually felt like "something" was draining out of my fingers and toes. It was a bizarre feeling but so relaxing and comforting all at once. Looking forward to my next sessions!

Illness & Disease
Mary Jane C.
I was diagnosed with Lyme disease along with the co-infections Ehrlichia and Babesia. Because of this disease, I experienced dizziness, headaches, and some tingling in my hands. I had been to the Harmonic Egg a few years ago for some stress issues and decided to give it a try. I had three consecutive weekly sessions. After the three sessions, I was scanned for Lyme and the scan was clean. I then had two sessions every other week, had another scan, and still clean. I might also mention the constant headache I had on the left side of my head was gone after the FIRST session and it never came back! I plan to make the Harmonic Egg a part of my life. This is an amazing healing modality.
Jessica A.
The Harmonic Egg has changed my life. It has such an incredible ability to shift energy and raise the vibration in the being. I noticed it after the very first time I went in. Since then, I have been in several times (20, if we're really counting 😁). Sometimes it's hard to recognize a lifetime state of disease or discomfort in the body until the absence of it makes it glaringly obvious. I have been in a state of fight, flight or freeze since childhood. Since I began my sessions in the egg, I have noticed a peace that I never knew I could feel. Each time I experience the egg I notice that I am calmer, I feel more peace within my core, I am happier, more patient, I sleep better... the list goes on. My being is balancing out. ...and what an amazing feeling it is! True inner peace... it really exists! As someone who plays the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls regularly, my experiences in the egg have changed the way I facilitate my sessions in such a beautiful way. It has allowed for more energetic shifting within my self and, in turn, those who experience the sessions I facilitate. I am so thankful for the experiences I have had and I have so much appreciation.
I have completed 8 of my 10 sessions and plan to do another set when this one is complete. I notice so many little aches and pains of aging are no longer bothersome. Fibromyalgia has no impact on me now and my energy level is normal. From my perspective and what I understand about the body’s structure, I am convinced that this positive energy of light, color, and sound has an impact at the cellular level, to do the dance of healing from the inside out.
Deena W.
I can't say enough good things about The Harmonic Egg, and this experience in general. Up until a few weeks ago I had no idea what a harmonic egg even was. Yesterday I had my first session, and when I left there my body was literally buzzing! I have been dealing with an autoimmune thyroid issue since COVID, and this was the first time in almost 2 years I felt like my body was truly back to normal (aka homeostasis). It was relaxing, gentle, pleasant, fun, dreamy... The vibration does all the work. No one adjusting you, poking you, lecturing you. It was truly pleasant and I woke up the next day feeling just as good if not better. I can't wait for next week's session. Looking forward to more of what feels like incredible self care.
Bryce D.
As far as my treatments, I must emphasize that no other healing modality has ever come close to the incredible way I felt walking out of even my first sitting. Since completing the ten Auto-Immune protocol sessions the results have been nothing short of life changing. I have felt better than I have in years, my energy levels are through the roof and unexpectedly this divine tool has helped me to deeply connect with my source. I have felt a constant presence of spirituality in my daily life like never before. Considering my new found exhilaration for life, I have been spreading the word about the Eggs incredible healing power to friends and family. For anyone looking to change their life on multiple levels, I could not recommend this more highly.
The single thing that is in my heart and on my mind is the ability to finally hold a steady mirror up to myself. That mirror will allow me to understand what I am currently attempting to do. For 13 years I have refused to acknowledge what had become so ingrained in my Parkinson’s work ethic that I ignored/overlooked the fact that it was there. Now I feel I can ‘reclaim’ my place in myself, in my family, in my community, and in the world. I know that I have been working hard to be as strong and as competent as possible. I am simultaneously familiar with my ongoing limitations and my challenges. What I did not comprehend and accept was the serious risk caused by delusional expectations of my ability to take care of my family as I did 15 years ago. You may not have specifically planned it, but you provided me with the space that I clearly required to figure that out.
Bryce H.
It was pure serendipitous magic finding The Harmonic Egg, while I was seeking relief for my Auto-Immune symptoms. As far as my treatments, I must emphasize that no other healing modality has ever come close to the incredible way I felt walking out of even my first sitting. Since completing the ten Auto-Immune protocol sessions the results have been nothing short of life changing. I have felt better than I have in years, my energy levels are through the roof and unexpectedly this divine tool has helped me to deeply connect with my source. I have felt a constant presence of spirituality in my daily life like never before. Considering my new found exhilaration for life, I have been spreading the word about the Eggs incredible healing power to friends and family. For anyone looking to change their life on multiple levels, I could not recommend this more highly! I want to thank the wonderful family team at The Harmonic Egg from the depths of my heart for guiding through this incredible path of spiritual and physical healing.
Stacey E.
This was a wonderful experience. Very relaxing and a unique way to detoxify and work on many health and mental health issues. I will definitely be back to continue to work on many more issues.
Amanda L.
I have recently tried the Harmonic Egg and I wish I hadn't waited so long to try it out! It was amazing, the music and sounds felt like it was coming straight from me and I was so relaxed it was almost an out of body experience. I noticed a significant improvement in my chronic symptoms in the days following. Can't wait for my next session.

Depression & Fatigue
Rosina V.
I went in to use the Harmonic Egg for symptoms of mild depression. I was literally vibrating for almost 3 days and the depression was completely gone after that!! Highly recommend!!
Denise C.
Prior to the treatments I had always struggled with getting out of bed in the morning due to lingering fatigue. I can’t say enough about how this has changed my life for the better.
Leanne J.
Fantastic, mind-blowing experience. I took full advantage of the session and was able to free so many things that were holding me back. I was able to fully forgive myself for all the things I have done. I was able to even go further and allow myself to feel all my emotions without judgment or blame or shame or any negativity for that matter. The very next day I woke in such a strong, happy mood and it carried me all day to where I am now. I have been telling everyone I know about how amazing this experience has been and that it shook me to the core. I would highly recommend anyone trying this.
Kimmer S.
If you have not experienced the Harmonic Egg yet you are missing out. I am NOT a big believer in stuff that doesn't sound like hard science. But I LOVE my sessions in the Egg. My biggest takeaway is better mood control. The things that normally freak me out don't. I spend more time being happy. More time not feeling like everything has to be coped with. Nothing around me changes. But I can feel how powerfully MY reactions to life have changed. I feel so much more balanced in life.
Mary W.
I found the Harmonic Egg experience to be profound. It's one thing to be asleep in bed while your body is completely relaxed. It's something notably different to be fully alert while your body is completely relaxed as it is in the Harmonic Egg. The surround-sounds of the music and the enveloping energy inside the Harmonic Egg truly uplifted my thoughts and mood. This combination of stimulating positive thoughts with my body at such ease had a lingering restorative effect - a most welcomed sense of calm and gratitude to reflect upon for days to follow. The restoration/healing potential of the Harmonic Egg could be unlimited!
Jason R.
Fantastic, mind-blowing experience. I took full advantage of the session and was able to free so many things that were holding me back. I was able to fully forgive myself for all the things I have done. I was able to even go further and allow myself to feel all my emotions without judgment or blame or shame or any negativity for that matter. The very next day I woke in such a strong, happy mood and it carried me all day to where I am now. I have been telling everyone I know about how amazing this experience has been and that it shook me to the core. I cannot thank Gail enough for going the distance and creating something so magical. I would highly recommend anyone trying this.

Migraines & Headaches
C. C.
I didn’t know what to expect initially, but after the the first session, I was completely in. See, I was having this excruciating headache for about two days before the session. When we spoke at the end of the session, I realized that the headache was gone!
Katie W.
The new Health Care! I've been going to Harmonic Egg sessions for five months now. Every session is different and I always leave feeling calm and centered. My most recent visit was days after an intense 48-hour migraine. In the session, I felt the sound vibrations working with my body, repairing the damage that the migraine had done. I literally felt my neural pathways recalibrate and realign. This is not a healing that I could have experienced in a traditional doctors' office. The egg facilitated my body's own self-healing abilities. I'm confident that after a few more sessions, my body will be free of migraines entirely.
Mary S.
I’ve had once-a-month, two-day, migraine headaches since my twenties. The medical doctors only offered meds; never a way to reduce the pain or get rid of the headaches. A headache started before going to my Harmonic Egg appointment and it was gone by the time I left! A few hours instead of 2 days! This is the first real relief I have ever received.
Nancy E.
I had my fourth session today with a full blown 2 day migraine and it is now gone! Thank you for providing this valuable healing modality to our community ❤. I am truly honored to be able to experience this on a regular basis. It should be a part of everyone's self-care plan. You don't know what you are missing if you don't schedule a time today!
MaryJane C.
I had three consecutive weekly sessions. After the three sessions, I was scanned for the Lyme and the scan was clean. I then had two sessions every other week, had another scan and still clean. I might also mention the constant headache I had on the left side of my head was gone after the FIRST session and it never came back! I plan to make the Harmonic Egg® a part of my life. This is an amazing healing modality.
Kristyn M.
Before my egg treatment I was experiencing headaches on a weekly basis that would sometimes last days and after I have hardly had any headaches at all and the few I have had were less intense and did not last more than a day. I also had less pain in my body, my job is very physical so aches and pains in my back and hands are common but after the egg my body felt great for weeks. I loved the results so much I decided to do a series to really experience all that this treatment can offer.

Digestive Issues
Xchel G.
I love the Harmonic Egg. I take my toddler daughter there every few weeks and even though she is an active child, she gets so relaxed in the Egg that she usually sleeps through our sessions. The Egg has helped with my daughter’s tummy [digestive] issues, her teething discomfort and a constant runny nose.
Lynn C.
A totally immersive experience! I was captivated by the music and vibrations and had to learn more about the science behind the Harmonic Egg. Every cell has a frequency - this feels like a total body reset. It was relaxing and rejuvenating. I felt the benefits in my nervous system and digestive system.
Denise D.
This is the second time I have used the harmonic egg, very relaxing, better able to focus. After the first time my digestive system seems to be working a lot better. I would recommend this for sure.

Sleep Disorders
Wei W.
I have had the amazing Harmonic Egg experience three times now. The experience inside the Egg has been amazing each time. The most noticeable improvement for me is how well I can sleep now. I had been a very light sleeper all my life and the change happened after only one session! It just dawned on me recently that I am not bothered by my husband’s snoring anymore! I truly feel the intelligence and the healing power of the Egg and have been feeling the healing effect even just by thinking about being in it! I think that every dis-ease is caused by stress and the Harmonic Egg is very efficient and powerful in releasing stress. Everyone should give it a try! I treated myself with a membership and it’s the best gift ever!
Crystal A.
I had a wonderful experience with the Harmonic Egg and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND it to anyone that is looking for healing! After my first session I felt more grounded and highly relaxed. I felt lighter and with less weight on my shoulders and have been sleeping so well.
Alex U.
I really love the harmonic egg experience! Every time i get in for a session, I always come out feeling a deeper... more zen-like calmness about myself. I sleep better now, and it feels like my nervous system has been reset.
Stephanie T.
Amazing experience! I have experienced lots of stress and poor sleep for years. Since my egg session I have already been sleeping better and feeling more calm. Cannot wait for my next sessions!
Red G.
What an amazing experience! I felt so at peace and grounded….hard to describe in words. I would highly recommend giving it a try, it is life-changing! I came out feeling so much lighter and like all my worries had been lifted off of me. Slept very well after as well and I am not a good sleeper! You will never get this kind of treatment at a Doctor’s Office! This is a game changer!!
Anne A.
I have had a most wonderful experience. I had insomnia for 8 years and had been told by many health care people over the years that it was my adrenals causing too much cortisol. Immediately when discussing this with Gail, the owner, she said, it's probably the nervous system and after one session in the egg, my nervous system calmed down and I never had insomnia again. I had been to all kinds of health facilities and modalities trying to heal this, so it was a miracle in my life.
Angel S.
I recently began my “Egg” experience and already have undergone a huge transformation. I feel calmer, much more relaxed, and I am handling the pressures of daily life with more ease and grace. My sleeping habits have improved 100%. I have gone from sleeping soundly a few hours each night to nearly 7 restful hours each night. The sleep is a different kind of sleep than I have ever experienced, it’s truly a deep, refreshing sleep. I firmly believe that everybody can find some if not great benefit with an Egg session. Give it a try, what do you have to lose but some stress, anger, resentment, & exhaustion.
Rochelle F.
So far two visits at The Harmonic Egg. Exceptional service and results. Although I’m tired following a session I feel so much better in the days that follow. Sleeping better and a better overall outlook.
Tanita B.
Although I am a bit skeptical, these treatments caught my attention. Still super excited after a few sessions. I notice that my sleep quality has definitely improved and I feel fitter and better in my skin. Can't wait for the next session!
Deschutes A.
I had a wonderful experience with the Harmonic Egg and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND it to anyone that is looking for healing! After my first session I felt more grounded and highly relaxed. I felt lighter and with less weight on my shoulders and have been sleeping so well.
Darlene A.
I went to a different planet and received visions and messages in my eggsperience that were very personal and super helpful! I also left feeling very peaceful, completely relaxed and tingly. That evening, I slept really well and over the next couple of days I felt peace, clarity and childlike joy.

Trauma & PTSD

Ernesto V.
I just recently received my own session. To describe it with words is not fair. The sonic expedition left me feeling as though I'd been treated to several hours of physical therapy. I felt at once both revitalized and detoxified, and in the following days felt that my own breath & meditation practice was enhanced significantly. I have personally implemented in my life, for several years, a variety of mental and physical practices to aid in my recovery of PTSD and battles with anxiety, and can truly attest to the power of the science behind this healing medium and its benefits.
Jaskirat S.
I don’t know how it functions but what I do know is I released some deeply painful memories of trauma from my body and I felt in many senses liberated.
Laura B.
I have been on a healing journey for over 20 years and have tried a lot of different healing modalities. I saw a program on Gaia on the Harmonic Egg and had to check it out. I have had many healing sessions with the Harmonic Egg and I have experienced amazing results! The Egg & the facilitator have helped me with anxiety issues, childhood traumas and growing up with a narcissistic mother, to name a few. I feel I could have gone to a traditional therapist for years and not have the amazing results that I have had working with the Egg & the facilitator.
Julieann A.
I have been experiencing many ups & downs over the years stemming from past family related traumas, on top of the busy stresses of life & being a mother of 3. I would often feel stuck in these heavy emotions & feel like giving up. After experiencing the Harmonic Egg, I felt a sense of calm I hadn’t felt in years. It felt like it was able to reset me, help me let go of anger, & bring me back to a state where I felt calm & like myself. Any time challenging circumstances arise in my life, I feel a sense of peace knowing I have the Harmonic Egg to help me manage my stress, emotions, or physical issues.
Candace K.
My intention was to surrender to whatever would be for my best & highest good. I was surprised with a healing of my inner child’s core wound! I had not achieved this through years of therapy, inner work, etc so this was huge for me. I can’t wait to see what comes in my next Session!
Robin B.
Life Changing. That's all I can say. The facilitator and all of her help combined with my time in the Harmonic Egg were life changing. Things I have battled for years both emotionally and physically came to light after just one session in the Egg. Realizations of how I was blocking myself, dealing with past traumas, and acceptance of events and my role in moving forward were all clear.
Susan S.
I’ve been going to The Harmonic Egg for 5 months now. The actual session in the Egg is a peaceful trip to your inner mind to deal with issues that need dealing with on a unconscious level. In the very first session, I was able to rid myself of deep anger that had been roiling about inside me. (Tears were involved). Subsequent sessions have helped me to regulate my ups and downs and to process my turbulent childhood filled with traumas. You come out of the Egg all smooth and languid, then experience the after effects for several days, including deep sleep with powerful dreams! I recommend starting your journey in the Egg.
Andrea R.
The Harmonic Egg is incredible! I have had three sessions, my first one was in person and last two have been remote since I live out of state. Before my sessions I had so much pain in both my hips that I could not sleep on my sides and had pain when walking/moving certain ways. I also had a lot of trauma resurface and made it hard for me to go about my regular daily life routine. Among other things I felt lower energy and other things due to mold & toxins within my body. After each session I felt so much more energized and found my inflammation to decrease more and more with each session to the point where I have no pain now in my hips and can sleep on my sides. I also have noticed how each day that passes I feel more inspired and move through my day with much more ease. I am so grateful for the Harmonic Egg. I’m looking forward to my next session ☺️
Kate A.
After decades of traditional therapy to heal from traumatic childhood wounds, I still felt there were blocks keeping me from experiencing the authentic joy and love I longed for in my life. Feeling frustrated and anxious, I found myself in the Facilitator's office for my first session. That day began the most enlightening and transformational work I have experienced on my healing journey. With the combination of her coaching and the Harmonic Egg, I am on an entirely new trajectory of growth in my life, led by joy and ease.

Brain Fog

Helen M.
Harmonic Egg = brain reset. I heard about the Harmonic Egg and was interested in how it worked. I wasn't sure if it would make a difference, but was open to try. I was blown away by how I felt after my first session. It was truly like a brain detox and reset to where I wanted to be. I relaxed for 40 minutes listening to music chosen specifically for my session followed by 10 minutes of quiet. It made a huge difference in my state of mind. I felt amazing, relaxed, and my thoughts were clear and calm. The biggest surprise was the next morning when I woke feeling like I just walked out of the egg. It lasted over 24 hours. Weeks later I can still feel the positive effects it had on me.
Roos van M.
“WOW” is the first word that comes to mind when the session is over. How do I explain what I experience during an 'egg session'?It is like a kind of healing, wonderful, relaxing 'massage' for your mind, your brain and your soul. So much happens while you are relaxing under a warm blanket. Very relaxing and very valuable. Insights, explanations, ideas, lessons, aha moments, inspiration, clarity and much more will pass by. Healing on a very deep level. Relaxation to the next level. In short, necessary for anyone who has something to heal or relax.
Lori W.
After only 3 sessions I have the most amazing mental clarity as well as energy. I do not recall feeling this fantastic, ever. I have found what I have been looking for my entire life and will never look back! Nothing is coincidence and I do not hold enough gratitude for the Harmonic Egg.
Katerina S. D.
The Harmonic Egg is truly an incredible experience. It is the most effective de-stressing experience I have ever had. The way the tones, wavelengths and frequencies are able to be 'absorbed' into your body while sitting on the anti gravity chair completely relaxed is amazing. It is like being immersed in heaven. I felt benefits in many aspects: increased mental clarity, a more relaxed body, more peaceful, a sense of being grounded. It's like a global restorative experience, that is hard to describe. It just got better over the next week. I am doing a once a week wellness series, and it is going very well. I'll do another review after 10 weeks and report back. The support to destress my body is so worth it.
Mia V.
I recently completed a series of 6 sessions in the Harmonic Egg. As an empath, I found the Egg to be incredibly beneficial for me during a highly-charged time in my life. I've been traveling & public speaking quite a bit lately which tends to fry my psyche and brain. The Egg treatments really soothed me spiritually as well as physically. The process for treatment is very thorough and I felt incredibly informed about what to expect, based on my own energy. In my first visit, there was a smell present after the treatment which we realized was my body clearing out from a serious surgery I'd had 5 years ago (the smell of anesthesia was definitely present) I have felt more energized and in balance than I have in quite a while. I will definitely be continuing my treatments as I move towards even greater spiritual growth & better physical health. As a 53 year old experiencing menopause, this was definitely a jump start to balancing my wacky AF hormones!
Amy G.
The Harmonic Egg is such a powerful modality. I have used it now about 6 times and from the very beginning I noticed I was calmer, more focused, had more energy and a greater sense of peace. The benefits keep building each time!
Valerie H.
Wow! WOW... is all I can say! It is absolutely amazing how incredible I feel after my first session. Yesterday was the first day in a long, long time that I woke up feeling refreshed, not nauseous, and ready for the day. I was able to eat with out forcing it, my brain was working, and I felt like myself again. Absolutely amazing!! Thank you so very much!
Michelle P.
I’ve just had my 3rd session in the egg, amazing. I wanted to achieve clarity and focus before returning to work after annual leave, the outcome yes, clear, focused motivation (just what this nurse needs). The experience inside the egg is just beautiful, the sound and vibrations really clear the mind and prepare the body to receive the benefits.
Mariel D.
Amazing! The Harmonic Egg gave me what I needed, my nervous system calmed down, muscle tension decreased and there was total relaxation. This allowed me to see everything in perspective, think clearly and then remain calm. I could enjoy all the beautiful things there is, instead of focusing on what is not yet good. Recommended, words fail, go experience it.

Asthma & Allergies

Phaephirat J.
I decided to have my very first remote Harmonic Egg session while I was in Bangkok 6 months ago. My main focus was on my hypersensitive skin that would break out in rashes and hives. My experience was unbelievably amazing. I haven’t had to take an allergy pill ever since that one remote session.
Linda B.
I had a session in the Harmonic Egg targeted to reduce inflammation after sinus and nose surgery. I went into the session so congested I could barely talk, but by early evening my sinuses suddenly cleared., so that I'm able to breathe through my nose for the first time in two weeks.
Gail L.
Using light & sound therapy the Asthma that I was born with was completely gone & never came back after my first session.
Xchel G.
I love the Harmonic Egg. I take my toddler daughter there every few weeks and even though she is an active child, she gets so relaxed in the Egg that she usually sleeps through our sessions. The Egg has helped with my daughter’s tummy [digestive] issues, her teething discomfort and a constant runny nose.

More Testimonials

Jody L.
The Harmonic Egg was an uplifting and peaceful, soft experience. In our conversation ahead of time I asked for a specific type of spiritual healing. The music and lights were set up perfectly. As I lay there, there was a neutrality to the experience and my body was very comfortable and a letting go of any concern washed over me. It was a feeling of evening out and balancing. The shift was immediate but the change in me is abstract and I can’t bring it to words. It has been about a month since my visit and I was expecting the shift to wear off a bit. I have not found that to be true. The Harmonic Egg is well worth the experience.
Taz M.
I have had 5 sessions so far and I haven't felt this good and with this much energy in about 9 or 10 years. Thank you once again.
Kirsten A.
My experience in the Harmonic Egg was one of complete peacefulness and a level of deep stillness and relaxation that I had never experienced before.
France D.
During my remote session, I immediately felt sensations in my throat, and the forehead. Then it moved to my belly. My whole body was vibrating. Then I fell asleep and I woke up slowly later feeling very relaxed. Thank you so much.
Peter O.
Just wanted to share that the remote session was really quite amazing. I felt some incredible sense of “lightness and calm” - Not sure I’ve ever been able to relax like that. My feet and hands/ arms actually had a tingling sensation during the session and I almost felt like a drug-induced high. I never actually fell asleep but was so mellow and just chilled the rest of the day.
Amanda L.
I have recently tried the Harmonic Egg and I wish I hadn't waited so long to try it out! It was amazing, the music and sounds felt like it was coming straight from me and I was so relaxed it was almost an out of body experience. I noticed a significant improvement in my chronic symptoms in the days following. Can't wait for my next session.
Kate G.
Let me start off by saying that I am not a big meditator but I decided to give the Harmonic Egg a try because I've been feeling rushed in my daily life. And WOW was the egg an awesome experience! Feeling the music sort of "lift" you up and flow through your body was really powerful. I left the egg feeling refreshed and in better spirits. I wish I lived closer so I could go more frequently. If you are on the fence, definitely give it a try. You will NOT be disappointed!
Lucas A.
I've experienced many different healing modalities and energy work over the past two decades. The Harmonic Egg is definitely one that I have felt significant and profound shifts. This is a phenomenal tool to help raise your vibration at every level. I personally felt huge benefits within the first two sessions. Fiona is an amazing energy practitioner and guide in her own right. Her insight and guidance imbues each session with an even deeper profundity, ensuring that each session is uniquely tailored to what you need the most. A very comfortable, friendly and supportive atmosphere throughout the entire experience. I am eagerly looking forward to my next session and highly recommend this experience.
Lee H.
My experience in the egg was extraordinary. I felt happy in my heart as soon as I saw it, but then the experience of being in it and taking the healing journey it offers was profound. I didn't want to speak afterward and needed 20 minutes or so to feel ready to leave the building and want to engage with the outside world. I felt peaceful, rearranged and reconnected. Inventor Gail Lynn is a beautiful soul who has created a brilliant device for the world - immensely grateful!
Gloria L.
I have been fortunate enough to have experienced multiple Egg sessions on separate occasions. Every session is a unique and profound healing experience depending on where you're at on your life/soul journey or if you have any physical ailments. Set your intention, don't expect anything and you will receive exactly what you need in that moment. Sometimes a deep soul massage, sometimes energetic shifts/alignments, sometimes you swear that you "didn't fall asleep", but then wake up with a beautiful vision or a profound message to interpret. It is super safe, super intriguing and super fun! I absolutely love and highly recommend the Harmonic Egg to anyone, any age... or any species!
Billie A.
Boys went in their first session into the Harmonic Egg yesterday. They are 7 and 9. This is their next step in their journey to wellness. Today after school. They asked for their snack and then played outside. They did not fight and didn't follow each other around. Then William asked during playing to do his homework on the computer. Let me write this again so I can believe this. He has lived here a year. He has never asked to do his homework and it's like herding cats to get him to do homework. Andrew then played with his Legos while William did his homework for over an hour. I have to separate them to get their work done. They also try to find each other and see what the other is doing. They each stayed in their own space. They seem calmer and more focused tonight. This is a great start. Thank you for taking such good care of them.
Cheryl S.
I had an introductory treatment in the Harmonic Egg and what an experience! Everyone should do this. Sitting in the chair in the egg you are comfortably cradled in a supportive and calm environment. The light and sound, resulting in subtle inner adjustment, and relaxation make for a very nourishing experience for the body and mind.
Moe R.
While my first session in the Harmonic Egg was fantastic, my second visit was even more incredible! The whole process was extremely comfortable and deeply nourishing. I highly recommend the Harmonic Egg! Thank you SO much!
Jim K.
I’ve been a regular attendee of the Harmonic Egg light/sound/vibrational treatment sessions since Nov 2021. Laura has been a delightful facilitator and guide to the healing, connection and magnification of the source of light, healing and strength within me; by selecting the light, color and music and setting the antigravity chair for the sessions. There is much more Laura shares that words fail to describe; and lab results fail to qualify, as I attempt to reach out to describe to others the benefits of the Harmonic Egg sessions. Give Laura an opportunity to share her knowledge, experience and technical abilities and experience the wonders of inner healing on the physical plane where our shoes touch the ground for yourself. You will be grateful you did. Thank U
Ryan A.
My first time in the beautiful harmonic egg, and let me tell you how wonderful it was. My thoughts became visions of breath taking art. Shapes I have never seen or imagined before began forming, and then reforming just as quickly. My body was so still and painless. My mind flowing freely with the sounds all around me. Which all seemed like was coming from inside of me. I had a memory of myself pop up from when I was maybe 1 or 2 that made me cry from how pure my joy and happiness was then. I FELT MY FEELINGS FROM MY MEMORY SO CLEARLY. A dark purple light shaped like a little girl appeared for a moment and then was gone. I tried to get the image back but I was unable to. At the end, when all was silent and still, I was able to slow my heart rate down the most I ever have. That egg is magical! Thank you so much!